Who among you fears the Lord and obeys the voice of His Servant?

Everything Changes in the Presence of Jesus – Manfred Kohl

This Sunday we were visited by Manfred Kohl.

Manfred Kohl

Dr. Manfred W. Kohl – Dr. Kohl was born in Germany during the Second World War, and was educated in Germany, England, and the US. He earned Master’s degrees in Divinity and Theology, and doctorates in Historical Theology and Ministry. After serving as a pastor in Massachusetts, he had various leadership positions at World Vision. Manfred is now VP of Programs & Int’l Development with Overseas Council International (OCI), an organization that partners with more than 100 theological seminaries and Bible colleges in the non-Western world, equipping indigenous Christian leaders. Manfred does extensive traveling, speaking, and writing. His wife, Barbara, is a native of Nova Scotia, where they now live. They have two married sons and four grandchildren, all of whom live in the US. Manfred enjoys watching sports, reading, and carpentry.

You can find the message that he preached at Hallelujah English Ministry  here.

The message is titled: Everything Changes in the Presence of Jesus and is based on Luke 24:13-35.

2 responses

  1. Pingback: Ce legatura exista intre pietism, nazism si sionism? « Persona

  2. Patricia Chavez Whiting

    Happy Birthday, Manfred.
    The OC rep from Texas just stopped by to have lunch. We had a fine time. His daughter, Caroline, was with him and she is a darling. I had the opportunity to hear more about the ministry of OC. What a blessing.
    I trust you are well and busy as ever. Looks like you are still hard at it.
    Blessings to you and Barbara.

    March 22, 2011 at 9:36 pm

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